

发布时间: 2023.06.14



1. 在这个端午佳节,我们衷心祝愿您和您的家人身体健康,幸福美满!

2. 端午节是一个传统的节日,通过此时分享粽子以及其他中国传统文化,我们可以增加沟通和交流的机会。

3. 端午节之际,我们深刻地感受到了中华民族的传统文化的重要性,同时也更加珍惜我们的传统文化遗产。

4. 在这个温馨而神圣的节日里,我们衷心希望我们所有的员工和合作伙伴能够拥有一份开心愉悦的心情,享受端午佳节的快乐。

5. 端午节是传统的中国节日,让我们以此为契机,齐心协力,传承中华文化,传统文化走向更加繁荣昌盛的新时代。

6. 使用我们公司的产品,您可以在端午节期间更加轻松地处理冬笋等食材,为您的家人和朋友提供更加美味的节日食品。

7. 在这个端午节期间,我们衷心向所有志趣相同的人们致以最诚挚的祝愿,让我们荡起双桨,一起把中国传统文化传承下去!

8. 端午节提供了一个难得的机会,让人们从工作和压力中解脱,放松心情,享受内心深处最真实的快乐。

9. 此时,我们向您以及您的家人表示最真挚的感谢,感谢您一直以来的支持和信任,愿您在这个端午佳节期间开心快乐。

10. 端午节是我们共享传统文化遗产的时刻,让我们笼统面、粽香四溢地庆祝这个难得而神圣的节日。

11. 在今年的端午节,我们真诚地希望我们的企业持续蓬勃发展,在未来的日子里取得更加辉煌的成就。

12. 愿风景和美食飘香遍全国,愿吉祥如意及全国各地美食和佳节一起飞扬!

13. 端午节之际,我们与您分享女友巨型沉馅肉粽和其他菜肴,祝愿您和您的家人豪迈、健康、快乐!

14. 在这个传统的中国节日中,我们向所有新旧客户、员工和合作伙伴致以最真诚的问候和祝福,愿大家度过一个难忘的端午节。

15. 心中有爱就有希望,希望我们和您的合作在今后的日子里可以一直保持健康和成长,欢场起笛,放影嬉戏。

16. 端午节是一个非常注重家庭、亲情和友情的中国传统节日,让我们共度一个充满温馨和欢乐的节日。

17. 利用这个端午节休假时间对自己进行调整,放松身心,调整身体状态,让您在工作和生活中更加充满活力和热情。

18. 端午节是辞旧迎新、祈求健康、吉祥如意的传统节日,也是我们寻找自我的时刻,将心境归于自然,感受真我。

19. 在这个端午佳节期间,我们要深刻感悟中国传统文化的独特魅力,认真学习它,传承它,使其焕发出更加辉煌的光芒。

20. 端午节是我们共同的文化符号,是我们大家的节日庆典。让我们共同分享这个重要的中国传统文化,彼此传承,繁盛发展。

21. 在这个浓浓的中国传统节日氛围中,我们真诚地祝福我们的合作伙伴继续拥有好运,事业蒸蒸日上。

22. 在这个难得的端午佳节期间,我们向祖国母亲致以最真挚的祝福和敬意,祝福我们的祖国更加繁荣强大,人民更加富裕幸福。

23. 端午节是一个富有民族特色的中国传统节日,让我们一起倡导保护民族文化,繁荣民族艺术,共同继承发扬我们中华民族文化遗产。

24. 希望我们的客户永远健康快乐,家庭幸福美满,生意兴隆发达。

25. 孩子们端午节快乐,愿其在这个传统的中国文化节日中向上成长,身体健康。

26. 端午节之际,我们深深怀念在历史长河中,奉献、牺牲,为民族和国家作出卓越贡献的英烈们,向他们致以最崇高的敬意和敬仰!

27. 端午节放假期间,请注意安全出行,遵守交通规则,祝您平安顺利!

28. 庆祝中国传统文化佳节,祝愿您在这个端午节期间万事如意,吉祥如意!

29. 愿您在这个端午节期间拥有最完美的时刻,享受中国传统文化的独特魅力,加强对文化遗产的认识和保护。

30. 此时此刻,我们要让真诚的祝福,深深地浸入您的心底,如甘露一样滋润、清润、愉悦,祝您在端午佳节共度一个快乐愉悦的时刻。

31. 走进华夏家园,品味沪菜小棚,赏灯山狮,逶迤长廊,乘摇摆船,品尝粽子,倍加欢愉。

32. 端午节是一个非常有益、有学问、有意义的传统节日,用心感受其中的精髓,它能够给您的生命和道路带来很大帮助。

33. 端午节时,人们会互相送粽,这个传统互赠食品表达了人间情谊和友情之爱,让我们建立更加深厚的友谊,团结力量更大。

34. 隆重庆祝传统文化节日——端午节,愿节日来临之际,您觉得身心舒畅,欢笑持久,佳节吉庆!

35. 此刻,我们祝福您经常能够感受到端午节的独特魅力,感受到生命中充满艺术、健康和生机勃勃的力量。

36. 端午节是一个团圆的圣节,让我们一起分享中华民族的传统节日,拉近心里温度,团结合作,加强友谊!

37. 端午节是一个神圣的节日,它传承了中国民族的优秀传统文化,让我们认真学习,从中领悟真谛,共建和谐社会。

38. 端午节是一个非常有意义和有价值的节日,让我们从传统文化的角度深入了解这个节日,共同将我们美好的传统文化发扬光大。

39. 端午节是一个民间文化庙会,是人们团聚交流的场所,更是中华民族心灵的寄托,让我们共同向传统致敬,传承发扬中华文化。

40. 在这个难得的端午佳节里,让我们友好相处,共同继承我们祖辈流传下来的中华民族传统文化,多做积极的事情,让大家充满色彩和生命力。

41. 端午节马上到了,送一个最美的中国传统节日祝福给您,愿您在生活和工作中都能够幸福快乐,充满活力!

42. 在这个端午佳节期间,让我们齐心协力,共同维护我们的传统文化,共同推动中华民族更加荣耀和强大。

43. 端午之际,祝愿每一个生命都能够在这个传统的中国节日里得到温暖、真情和关怀。

44. 端午节作为一个温馨的大家庭,让我们一起享受中国传统文化的独特魅力,共建一个民族团结、凝聚力极强的中国特色社会主义。

45. 在这个中华民族传统节日里,让我们倡导保护中华民族的历史和文化遗产,将中国传统文化的统一性和多样性充分展现出来。

46. 端午节是一个富有民族性别、自然美、文化美、人文美和艺术美的传统节日,这是中华民族的骄傲和文化自信。

47. 此时此刻,我们向您表达最真挚、最热诚的祝福,愿您在端午节期间健康快乐,家庭和睦,生意兴隆!

48. 端午节之际,让我们认真学习中国传统文化,增强我们的文化自信和文化认同感,让中华民族在世界上走更加自信和更加昂扬的路。

49. 端午节是我们重要的传统节日之一,让我们秉承民族团结、家庭团聚和环保意识,更好地传承和发展传统文化,推动中华民族文化的繁荣昌盛。

50. 在这个隆重的中华民族传统节日里,我们向所有客户和员工送上最真诚的祝福和敬意,让我们共同携手,并肩推动中国传统文化的发展繁荣!

51. 端午节是中华民族传统文化的一部分,让我们珍惜这些文化遗产,挖掘其中的真谛,共同践行中华民族的崇高理想!

52. 在这个传统的节日里,我们期待能够从中感受到家庭、友情和爱的温暖,也让我们体现出中华民族传统文化的独特魅力、文化认同感和文化自信!

53. 端午是一个充满民族特色的节日,让我们从传统文化的角度发扬光大传统美食和活动,一起共享人间如此美好的时间,让中华民族在传承中发展,在发展中繁荣!

54. 在这个端午节里,让我们祝愿自己能够度过一个完美、充满快乐和愉悦的时刻,更让我们将人与自然、人与传统、人与理想结合起来,成就我们人生中最宝贵的收获!

55. 端午节是中华民族的传统文化节日,让我们从传统中寻找创新的动力,从传统中寻找建设社会主义现代化的方向,让我们共同走向更加美好的未来!

56. 在这个端午节里,我们为曾经为中国民族和国家作出卓越贡献的先辈们致以最真挚的敬意和缅怀,让我们像他们一样,勇于担当,突破困境,迎接挑战,实现人生梦想!

57. 端午节的到来是人类顺应大自然、抒发情感的机会,让我们接受文化的熏陶,践行文化的精神,将日常生活转化为具有实际意义的宝贵历练!

58. 在这个中华民族传统文化盛宴的节日里,让我们在传统的基础上思考现代的意义、人类的理想和社会的责任,让我们一起怀揣梦想的信念,让生命闪耀着最美丽的光芒!

59. 千年古道,延续文化;五千年智慧,召唤命运。愿我们在这个端午节里追寻中华民族的精神梦想,感受文化的内涵和魅力,传递人类的情感和希望,展现中华民族文化自信!

60. 端午节,是我们怀念和感悟中华民族传统文化的时刻,让我们更加理性地思考如何才能将传统文化与现代文明和谐有序地结合起来,实现中华民族文化的繁荣昌盛!





1. 端午节,包粽俩不误!

2. 端午送粽子,让你口福倍增!

3. 节日嘉年华,亲手包粽送亲朋!

4. 端午粽子,滋味香甜浓郁!

5. 经典传统,端午粽子品尝!

6. 粽子飘香,端午佳节祝福相伴!

7. 端午包粽子,传统美食文化传承!

8. 小手一挥,端午粽子自己动手包!

9. 端午包粽子,既有趣又好吃!

10. 端午节,包粽子更有情!

11. 端午节,包上粽送亲朋,传递节日温情!

12. 亲手包粽,享受传统美食魅力!

13. 端午佳节,顶着烈日包粽子!

14. 端午节,寄托着无限的情思与祝福!

15. 欢聚一堂,共享端午节粽子美味!

16. 包上粽子,送给最爱的人吧!

17. 端午节包粽子,一人一口福!

18. 端午佳节,送你一个粽子香!

19. 端午佳节,粽香四溢!

20. 端午节,包粽子传递家的味道!

21. 传承美食传统,包上端午粽子!

22. 端午节,包粽子跟着家长爷爷的步伐来!

23. 面粉、糯米、鲜馅,包上端午粽独享滋味!

24. 端午粽子,端午节必备食品!

25. 端午节包粽子,感受家庭的温暖和幸福!

26. 端午节包上粽,共同传承节日文化!

27. 粽子搭配酒,端午节正宗美食!

28. 家庭团结,端午节一同包粽子!

29. 端午节,尝尽传统美食粽子浓浓的味道!

30. 端午节包粽子,传递家庭的温馨!


31. 端午节,与家人包上端午粽子,温情满满!

32. 端午包粽子,亲情和谐,笑声满满!

33. 端午节,糯米香,粽子甜!

34. 端午粽子,传统与创新的完美结合!

35. 包上端午粽子,续写老祖宗的传统!

36. 端午节,传统美食粽子金典问世!

37. 端午节,手艺巧,包粽子!

38. 粘米之香,馅心之美,端午粽子值得品味!

39. 端午节包粽子,美滋滋,吃了幸福感满满!

40. 端午节包上粽子,传递家庭的幸福与温暖!

41. 端午节,包一袋粽子,传递满满的爱!

42. 端午粽子,成就口感与品味两重天!

43. 端午包粽子,团圆和美口感双重享受!

44. 端午节包粽子,让品尝传统味道变成一种感受!

45. 端午节,包上粽子,一路有甜香相伴!

46. 端午佳节,吃粽子,提升味蕾的幸福感!

47. 端午粽子,香味四溢,口感绝佳,不容错过!

48. 端午节包粽子,品尝传统与创新的结合!

49. 端午包粽子,端午节有美食,更有温情!

50. 端午节,包粽子,让美食与幸福感同时品尝滋味!

51. 端午节包上粽子,回归传统佳节,重新感受文化底蕴!

52. 包上端午粽子,享受那一份美好的时间和感受!

53. 端午节,包上香喷喷的传统美食,让心灵得到满足!

54. 端午节包粽子,传递丰满与幸福感!

55. 端午节的灵魂,就包含在口感极佳的粽子里!

56. 端午节,与家人一起包粽子,让节日更加温馨!

57. 端午粽子,让你一口吃出来幸福的味道!

58. 纯手工包粽子,享受传统文化的美妙体验!

59. 端午节包上粽子,回味历史风情,领略传统风味!

60. 端午节包粽子,让经典传统美食,与现代生活相互交融!












































1、The festival is also celebrated in other parts of Asia, including Vietnam and Korea.

2、The origins of dragon boat racing are believed to date back to ancient China when boats were used in battles and for water transportation.

3、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to embrace diversity and cultural exchange, as people from different countries and backgrounds come together to celebrate a shared tradition.

4、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also engage in spiritual practices like meditation and prayer. - 端午节也是人们进行冥想和祈祷等精神实践的时候。

5、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to enjoy good food, music, and company with loved ones.

6、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods such as salted eggs, pork belly, and scallion pancakes during the Dragon Boat Festival.


8、Xiangbao are often made of silk and filled with herbs such as lavender or mint.

9、Dragon boat racing is a very exciting event that draws many spectators.

10、Dragon boat racing has become a popular sport in many parts of the world, with international competitions held every year.

11、Hanging up fragrant herbs is believed to ward off evil and bring good luck.

12、The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three major Chinese festivals, along with the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

13、Dragon boat races and sticky rice dumplings are the hallmark of the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Jie.



16、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also honor the bravery and courage of heroes like Qu Yuan. - 端午节也是人们纪念屈原等英雄的勇气和勇敢的时候。

17、The holiday is also celebrated in the Guangxi and Guangdong provinces where the custom of eating cowpea beans is prevalent.


19、The traditional color associated with the Dragon Boat Festival is yellow. 与端午节相关的传统颜色是黄色。



21、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also show their respect for the power and majesty of dragons. - 端午节也是人们展示对龙的力量和威严的尊重的时候。

22、Qu Yuan is often considered the father of ancient Chinese poetry and is celebrated as a national hero in China.

23、The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong is known for its spectacular dragon boat races and festive atmosphere. - 香港的端午节以壮观的龙舟比赛和热闹的氛围闻名。



26、The Dragon Boat Festival involves much preparation and planning, from making zongzi to decorating dragon boats. - 端午节需要进行许多准备和计划,从制作粽子到装饰龙舟。

27、The festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays and is celebrated not only in China but also in other countries with significant Chinese populations.

28、Another tradition is dragon boat racing, which is held all across China during Duanwu.


30、In some parts of China, the festival is also associated with the idea of ‘five virtues’ – loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, benevolence, and wisdom.

31、From the colorful dragon boats to the delicious aromas of steaming zongzi, the Dragon Boat Festival is a sensory feast that engages all the senses.

32、The festival is also associated with various activities and rituals, such as the cleansing of ancestral graves and the burning of incense offerings.


34、In Taiwan, the festival is also known as the "Double Fifth Festival" because it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in both the Chinese and Taiwanese calendars.

35、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in many other countries with significant Chinese populations, such as the United States and Canada. - 端午节不仅在中国庆祝,还在许多其他有重要中国族裔人口的国家,如美国和加拿大庆祝。

36、The festival is also a time to ward off evil and bad luck by hanging up pictures of Zhong Kui, a legendary Chinese demon hunter.

37、The festival is a time to pray for good health and prosperity.

38、Eating zongzi is a traditional way to show respect to Qu Yuan.

39、The festival has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.



41、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, don’t forget to be safe while travelling and participating in racing events.

42、Children love Duanwu because they get to eat delicious food, watch dragon boat races, and spend time with their families.

43、The festival is celebrated by both young and old in China.

44、The Dragon Boat Festival is an opportunity to learn about Chinese history, folklore, and rituals.


46、The Dragon Boat Festival is not just a traditional holiday - it is an important part of Chinese identity and heritage.

47、The festival is also believed to have originated as a way to ward off evil spirits and disease during the summer months.

48、During the Dragon Boat Festival, some people also perform lion dances and other cultural dances as a way to celebrate. - 端午节期间,有些人还通过舞狮和其他文化舞蹈来庆祝。

49、The Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated in China for over 2,000 years.

50、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to wear perfume pouches or sachets.





55、Eating zongzi is a popular tradition during the Dragon Boat Festival.

56、It falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in the Chinese calendar.


58、The Dragon Boat Festival is a festive occasion that brings together people of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities.

59、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to remember and honor the legacy of past heroes and to inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps.





63、Every year, Taiwan holds an international dragon boat race that attracts teams from around the world.

64、In addition to racing, other activities during the festival include flying kites, wearing colored bracelets and dancing.

65、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also drink realgar wine, a traditional Chinese wine that is believed to ward off insects and diseases.

66、The legend goes that the people of Chu raced to the river in boats to save Qu Yuan, but it was too late.

67、The preparation and celebration of the festival are often accompanied by music, dance, and other forms of artistic expression.

68、The festival is a time for people to reflect on their own values and beliefs, and to renew their commitment to living a meaningful and fulfilling life.


70、Legend has it that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the sacrifice of a famous Chinese poet, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in the Miluo River to protest against corrupt rulers.

71、Many people believe that eating Zongzi can ward off evil spirits and diseases.

72、The festival is a time for people to express their gratitude and appreciation for all the good things in their lives, such as family, health, and happiness.


74、The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration of the beauty and majesty of the natural world, as people honor the rivers and other bodies of water that sustain life.

75、The Dragon Boat Festival is an important cultural event in China, symbolizing unity, patriotism, and good fortune.

76、In some regions of China, people also perform dance and drama performances, such as the lion dance or the dragon dance, to celebrate the festival.



79、Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity during the festival, where people paddle dragon boats in teams to the sound of drums.

80、At Chinese temples, it is common to see people burning incense and offering prayers to Qu Yuan during the Dragon Boat Festival. 在中国的庙宇里,在端午节期间看到人们烧香和向屈原祈祷是很常见的。



82、The Dragon Boat Festival is an occasion for people to connect with their cultural roots and ancestral traditions. - 端午节是人们联系他们的文化根源和祖先传统的时候。

83、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to gather and bond, often by making and eating zongzi together. - 端午节是家庭聚会和团结的时候,常常通过一起制作和食用粽子来实现。

84、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 端午节在农历五月五日。

85、The festival is also a time for people to indulge in their favorite foods and to enjoy the company of family and friends.

86、The festival is a time for people to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who came before them, and to remember the importance of preserving their cultural heritage.

87、The festival is a time to pay respect to ancestors and ward off evil spirits.

88、The Dragon Boat Festival has a long history that dates back over 2,000 years. 端午节拥有超过2000年的悠久历史。


90、People traditionally hang mugwort leaves and calamus on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节人们传统上会在他们的门口挂艾草和菖蒲。

91、Chinese legend has it that dragon boats were built to search for the drowned body of Qu Yuan, and today the boat races symbolize the search for a lost hero. 中国传说,龙舟是为了寻找屈原的尸体,而现在的龙舟比赛象征着寻找失落的英雄。

92、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to reflect on the sacrifices and struggles of the past and to celebrate the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

93、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to reunite and spend time together. 端午节是一家团聚和相聚的时间。

94、One of the most famous delicacies during the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi, a kind of rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves. - 端午节期间最著名的美食之一是粽子,一种用竹叶包裹的米团。



97、In some regions, people also make offerings of food and incense to the river during the Dragon Boat Festival, as a way of expressing gratitude and respect.

98、Dragon boat races are usually held on rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.

99、Zongzi are glutinous rice dumplings that are wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves and filled with various sweet or savory fillings.

100、In addition to dragon boat racing and eating zongzi, there are many other traditional activities associated with the festival, such as making sachets filled with fragrant herbs and lifting weights.


101、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time of year when people also pay tribute to their ancestors by visiting graves and performing ancestral rituals. - 端午节也是一年中人们通过拜祭祖先的方式来纪念祖先的时候。


103、The traditional food of Dragon Boat Festival, zongzi, is made of glutinous rice filled with various ingredients such as meat, beans, and vegetables, and wrapped in bamboo leaves.


105、The Dragon Boat Festival has become a global symbol of multiculturalism and international friendship, bringing people of different backgrounds and nationalities together to celebrate a common heritage.


107、In some parts of China, people also hang a picture of Zhong Kui, a mythological figure known for protecting against evil spirits, during the Dragon Boat Festival.

108、In South Korea, the festival is known as Dano and is celebrated by eating traditional rice cakes called surichwi.

109、One popular tradition during the festival is to write and hang ‘wishing cards’ with hopes for good health and prosperity.

110、Although the Dragon Boat Festival is most commonly associated with China, it is also celebrated in other parts of the world, such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore.

111、Many people eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival.

112、Legends say that the dragon boat races were meant to scare away the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body after he jumped into the river.





117、Dragon boat races are the main activity during the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节的主要活动是赛龙舟。

118、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival because it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

119、The custom of racing dragon boats dates back to ancient times, when people would race boats to appease the water god and avoid floods.




122、In Hong Kong, the Dragon Boat Festival is a public holiday, and the dragon boat races draw large crowds of spectators.

123、Wishing you a vibrant, healthy and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival, filled with delight and contentment.

124、It is traditional to eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival because it is said that Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river and locals threw zongzi into the water to prevent fish from eating his body. 在端午节吃粽子是传统的因为据说屈原在河里淹死了,当地人把粽子扔进水里来防止鱼儿吃掉他的身体。



127、The festival has spread beyond Asia and is now celebrated in many other parts of the world.

128、Traditionally, the Dragon Boat Festival is a time to ward off evil spirits, with activities such as making loud noises, burning incense and hanging up the Qixi tree.

129、He was exiled by the king for speaking out against corruption in the government.

130、The festival has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, highlighting its significance and value.


132、Legend has it that after Qu Yuan drowned himself, his loyal followers searched the river for his body and created the first dragon boat race to commemorate his legacy.

133、The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of poet and government minister Qu Yuan.

134、In some areas of China, people also observe the festival by flying kites in the shape of dragons or racing small toy boats.

135、Qu Yuan is revered as a patriotic hero in Chinese history.

136、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor the heroic deeds of Qu Yuan and other cultural figures who sacrificed for the betterment of society.

137、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also take pride in their cultural heritage and celebrate the diversity of human experience. - 端午节也是人们为他们的文化遗产感到骄傲,庆祝人类经验的多样性的时候。


139、This is believed to ward off evil spirits and keep the wearer safe and healthy.

140、The origins of the Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back to ancient China.


141、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also perform and listen to traditional music and songs. - 端午节也是人们表演和欣赏传统音乐和歌曲的时候。

142、Get your dragon boat ready, practice your paddling, and you might win the race on this festival.

143、The festival is a time for people to reconnect with their cultural roots.

144、The traditional dragon boat races involve teams competing to paddle their boat to the beat of a drum, with the fastest team declared the winner.

145、Eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits, as well as to resemble the rice balls thrown into the river to save Qu Yuan.

146、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival, as it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

147、The Dragon Boat Festival is a major public holiday in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, and other parts of East Asia.

148、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for family reunions and gatherings.

149、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to enjoy dragon dances and lion dances.


151、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when families come together and strengthen their bonds through shared traditions and experiences. - 端午节是家庭走到一起的时候,通过共同的传统和经历加强家庭的纽带。

152、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people show their love and respect for their cultural traditions. 端午节是人们展示他们对传统文化的热爱和尊重的时候。

153、The festival is also known as Double Fifth Festival, as it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.


155、To prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body, people threw rice dumplings into the river and beat drums to scare off the fish.

156、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time to ward off evil spirits and disease. 端午节也是驱除邪恶和疾病的时候。

157、The festival is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world.

158、The festival is a time to reflect on the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

159、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also appreciate the skills and craftsmanship involved in making traditional crafts like dragon boats and zongzi. - 端午节也是人们欣赏制作传统手工艺品如龙舟和粽子所涉及的技能和工艺的时候。


























