

发布时间: 2023.09.27






时光匆匆,转眼间考试也已结束,试卷也发下来了。望着试卷上的分数,我惊讶了。因为这和我应有的水平相差甚远, 我在此向你说一声对不起,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。在这次期末英语考试中我成绩十分不理想,不仅伤透了你的心,也让我无地自容。于是,今天,我怀着十二万分的愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对不好好学英语这种恶劣行为的歉意及打死也不再不好学英语的决心。




学英语,最重要的就是读,听,背,只要这三个能100%做到的话,那英语成绩,没有100分,也能95分。 但是,我却没有做到,没有听,没写好,没背好,什么都只做了三分之一,导致成绩不理想……








Late Apology Letter in English

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for being late to [the event, meeting, etc.]. I understand that my tardiness has caused a lot of inconvenience and trouble, and I take full responsibility for my actions.

Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for not being on time. I know that being punctual is important to show respect and consideration to others, and I failed to do so. I can imagine how frustrating it must have been waiting for me, and I am deeply sorry for that.

Secondly, I want to explain the reasons for my lateness. [Here, you can briefly explain the circumstances that led to your tardiness, such as traffic or unexpected emergencies]. However, I understand that these reasons do not excuse my tardiness, and I should have planned ahead to avoid being late.

Furthermore, I want to assure you that this will not happen again. I have learned my lesson and will take the necessary steps to be more punctual in the future. I will make sure to plan my schedule better and leave earlier to avoid any unforeseen circumstances.

Once again, I am sorry for being late and for any inconvenience caused. I appreciate your understanding and hope that you can forgive me for my mistake.


[Your Name]

In conclusion, being punctual is a sign of respect and consideration for others. If for any reason you are late, make sure to apologize sincerely and take responsibility for your actions. It is important to learn from your mistakes and take necessary measures to avoid being late in the future.










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Enjoy access rits, security oblition.


She is not a road stadiu not reasonable collisions.


Life only have once, peace apany you a lifeti.


Don't hoho windy rain is slippery.


Drive wholeheartedly, be an uprit person kunbenevolence.


Drinkintoo ch hurt liver, drunk drivin


The fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble.


Obey the traffic rules and relations, and lovinlife journey.


Don't wear road flyover pavent car don't account for, a dealership.


Topete for a split second, life and death in an instant.


Throu the sprin suer, autu and winter, safety in nd.


Maintainintraffic order to be a civilized citizen.


People are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road.


Don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever.


Violation with accident, discipline and security forever.


Safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and relations is the source of the accident.


Better stop three divided into safety,ity three safety first.


Endure a endure a cal ke a briter.


这是一次十分深刻的检查,我对于我这次犯的错误感到很惭愧,我真的不应该不复习生字,我不应该违背老师的规定,我们作为学生就应该完全的听从老师的话,而我这次没有很好的重视到老师讲的话。我感到很抱歉,我希望老师可以原谅我的错误, 不过,人总是会犯错误的,当然我知道也不能以此作为借口,我们还是要尽量的避免这样的错误发生,希望老师可以相信我的悔过之心。“人有失手,马有失蹄”。我的不良行为不是向老师的纪律进行挑战。绝对是失误,老师说的话很正确,就是想要犯错误也不应该再您的面前犯错误,我感到真的是很惭愧,。 相信老师看到我的这个态度也可以知道我对这次的事件有很深刻的悔过态度,我这样如此的重视这次的事件,希望老师可以原谅我的错误,我可以向老师保证今后一定不会听写不合格了。 今天我真的是很深刻的认识到了我的错误,知道老师说的.话就要听从,老师说的话也绝对会实现她的诺言,老师所要管的一定是为了我们学生好,所以我们不用挑战老师的底线,我们还是学生,没有能力对老师说出来的话产生不听从的想法,我们学生唯一可以做的事情就是好好的听从老师的话,好好的学习好,让老师可以放心,让老师可以信任。犯了这样的错误,对于家长对我的期望也是一种很大的打击,家长辛苦的赚钱,让我们孩子可以生活的好一点,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习当中,可是,我却违背了家长的心意,我犯了这样的错误,简直是对于家长心血的否定,我对此也感到很惭愧,家长的劳累是我们所不知道的,每天为了生存而忙碌,为了家庭而承受着巨大的压力,这一切的一切都是我们所不能够了解的,我们唯一可以做的就是做他们的乖孩子,听从家长的话,家长是我们最亲的人,也是我们在现在这个社会上最可以信任的人,所以我们就要尽量的避免家长生气,不给他们带来不必要的烦恼。而我们作为他们最亲的人也不能够惹他们生气,这个都是相互的,当我们伤害到他们的心时,也是对于自己心的伤害,因为我们是最亲的人。没有任何人可以取代。也希望同学也要引以为戒,不要犯和我一样愚蠢的错误了,这次的教训真的很大很大。 错误的性质是严重的。中国是一个礼仪之邦,自古就讲究尊师重道,这是一种传统的美德,过去我一直忽视了它。我只有认真反思,寻找错误后面的深刻根源,认清问题的本质,作为一名学生我没有做好自己的本职,自从接受了老师对我的批评教育,我已经深刻认识到这件事情的严重性,老师教育我说明 老师是非常的关心我,爱护我,所以我今后要听老师的话,充分领会理解老师对我们的要求,并保证不会在有类似的事情发生,望老师给我改过自新的机会。老师是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,做一个对社会有用的人,一个正直的人,使老师心慰的好学生,老师如同父母对我们的爱都是无私的,所以我 也要把老师对我们的无私精神去发扬,通过这件事情我深刻的感受到老师对我们那种恨铁不成钢的心情。一个人的成长和进步,不仅仅是学业上的提高,更重要的是思想、作风方面上的培养和锤炼。我忽视了这样一个重要的问题,为此而犯了方向性的错误。我所犯错误的影响是很坏的。同学都委以重任并寄予厚望,我自己也一直感到责任重大不敢苟且,认真学习,全力投入。但事实证明,仅仅是热情投入、刻苦努力、钻研学业是不够的,还要有清醒的政治头脑、大局意识和纪律观念,否则就会在学习上迷失方向,使国家和学校受损失。我知道,造成如此大的损失,我必须要承担尽管是承担不起的责任,我真诚地接受批评,并愿意接受处理。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。我相信你一定能原谅我这次无意间所犯的错误希望老师能原谅。 老师反复教导言犹在耳,严肃认真的表情犹在眼前,我深为震撼,也已经深刻的认识到事已至此的重要性。 如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已。深刻检讨,认为在本人的思想中已深藏了致命的错误:平时生活作风懒散,如果不是因为过于懒散也不至于如此。 我辜负了您的一番心血,事无巨细。见微知著,由小及大,我作为一名初2学生还像小孩子一样。

不认真复习,成了极恶劣的影响,对于这件事情,所造成的严重后果我做了深刻的反思: 1。影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下深刻检讨自己的错误。 2思想觉悟不高,对错误的认识不足,试想如果当时我就认识到此事的严重性,错误就不可能发生。之所有的问题都归咎于我还为能达到一个现代中学生应具有的认识问题水平,为能对老师的辛勤劳作作出回报,我越来越清晰的感觉到自己所犯的错误的严重性,为此,我一定会在以后的几年里更严格地要求自己,在认真完成作业,,所以按照老师的要求激纳保质保量的检讨书一份。对自己的错误根源进行深挖细找的整理,并认清可能造成的严重后果。 望老师能念在我认识深刻而且平时表现也不错的份上,从轻处理,请关心爱护我的老师同学继续监督,帮助我改正缺点,取得更大的进步。 今后我一定会好好学习,上课不讲闲话,并且积极为班级做贡献,为班级添光彩!请老师相信我!


Dear Professor [Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for submitting my English essay late. I understand that punctuality is of utmost importance when it comes to assignments, and I accept full responsibility for my delay in submitting the work assigned to me.

My delay in submitting the essay was caused by a combination of factors. Firstly, I underestimated the amount of time required to complete the essay. I had assumed that I would be able to easily manage the workload and complete the essay well before the due date. However, as the deadline approached, I realized that I had not allocated enough time to complete the essay and was struggling to meet the deadline.

Additionally, I was facing some personal issues that added to the challenge of submitting the essay on time. There were some changes in my personal life that had left me feeling stressed and overwhelmed, making it challenging to give my complete attention to the essay. Instead of being focused on the task assigned to me, my mind was often wandering, making it challenging to concentrate on the essay.

I understand that my tardiness has had an impact on the teaching schedule and caused inconvenience to you and my peers. I am truly sorry for any negative impact my delay may have caused. In the future, I will ensure that I manage my time efficiently and respect the deadlines given to me.

In conclusion, I understand that submitting my English essay late was not only unprofessional but also disrespectful to my peers and you. I assure you that I will do my best to ensure that something like this never happens again in the future. Thank you for your time and patience with me.


[Your Name]














Cheating in the CET-4 Examination: A Reflection on My Actions and Their Consequences


Cheating is an act that undermines the principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness. As a student preparing for the CET-4 examination, an important milestone in my academic journey, I allowed myself to succumb to the allure of cheating. In this reflective essay, I would like to elaborate on the details of my cheating incident, delve into the reasons behind my actions, and discuss the profound impact it has had on me.

The Incident:

It was a cloudy morning, and nervous tension filled the examination hall. The atmosphere was suffused with the energy of anticipation and anxiety. As I took my seat and reviewed my notes one last time, I couldn't help but notice the anxious glances exchanged by fellow test-takers. In a moment of weakness, I found myself convinced that resorting to cheating was the only way to ensure a favorable outcome.

I surreptitiously tucked a cheat sheet into my pocket, my heart pounding with the fear of being caught. Throughout the examination, I glanced at it periodically, hoping to find solace in the answers hastily scribbled on that piece of paper. It was a momentary lapse in judgment, a decision that would come to haunt me later.

The Reasons Behind My Actions:

While in hindsight, my actions may seem inexcusable, it is essential to delve deeper into the factors that influenced my decision to cheat. One of the primary reasons was undoubtedly the immense pressure to perform well in the examination. CET-4 holds tremendous significance for every student aspiring to improve their prospects in the job market and academic pursuits. The fear of failure, the desire to achieve an impressive score, and the constant comparison to classmates weighed heavily on my mind, ultimately compromising my ethical compass.

Moreover, I must admit that my lack of dedication and preparation also played a role. In the weeks leading up to the examination, I failed to prioritize studying and fell behind on course materials. My desperation led me to believe that cheating was a shortcut to success, neglecting the values of hard work and perseverance instilled in me since childhood.

The Consequences:

The immediate consequence of my actions arrived sooner than expected. On the day of the examination, the invigilator caught me red-handed, extracting the cheat sheet from my pocket. The shame and guilt I felt were overwhelming. I was banned from taking the CET-4 examination for the subsequent two attempts, which meant a delay in my academic progression and a tarnished reputation among my peers.

However, it was the long-term consequences that impacted me the most. I realized the profound impact cheating can have on personal growth and character development. It erodes the very foundation of integrity, leading to a loss of self-respect and trust from family, friends, and teachers. It also stifles the opportunity for authentic learning, denying oneself the chance to acquire knowledge and skills genuinely.


Cheating in the CET-4 examination was a grave mistake that I deeply regret. Through this experience, I have come to understand the importance of upholding ethical values, cultivating discipline, and accepting the consequences of one's actions. I am committed to redeeming myself and rebuilding the trust I have lost. Moving forward, I pledge to embrace the principles of honesty and diligence, demonstrating my true potential through hard work and integrity.


Title: English Self-Evaluation Letter with Translation

Dear Teacher,

I am writing this self-evaluation letter in order to reflect on my learning progress and to identify areas I need to improve on. In the past year, I have been working hard to improve my English proficiency by attending classes, participating in group discussions and completing assigned tasks. However, I realize that there is still much to learn and I am determined to keep working on my language skills.

One area in which I have seen improvement is in my speaking ability. By practicing with classmates and engaging in oral presentations, I have become more confident in expressing myself in English. Additionally, I have improved my comprehension skills by listening to English podcasts and watching videos with subtitles.

However, I believe that there are still areas where I need to work on, particularly in writing and grammar. On several occasions, I have encountered situations where I struggled to express my ideas clearly or convey my message in a grammatically correct way. I am aware that this is an important area to improve on and plan to work on this over the next year.

Moreover, I have realized that in order to make significant progress in English, I need to immerse myself in the language as much as possible. This includes reading books in English, watching movies and even speaking English with native speakers. By doing this, I can improve my vocabulary and develop a better understanding of the language.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the progress I have made in my English proficiency, but I am determined to continue improving. I will work on my weaknesses and make the most of the resources available to me. Thank you for your support and guidance, and I look forward to the upcoming opportunities to learn and grow in my English skills.











