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1、on your birthday, please accept my sincere wishes for you. may you be full of vigor and youthful forever!

2、在笔和纸的摩擦间,您度过了神圣的一生。祝福你,老师!in the friction between pen and paper, you spent a sacred life. bless you, teacher!

3、today with you,the world more wonderful;with you,tonight the stars more shining;this life have you,the world warmer。 happy birthday!

4、may your birthday be filled with boundless joy, may your memories today be warm ones。 may you all sweet dreams, may you contentment this year!


6、wish you a happy new year and all the best!

7、may the sun bring you brightness every day, but also bring you happiness. sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

8、with all the love a heart can hold on your birthday. on this special occasion, i want you to know it is you who make my life meaning


2023.08.27 英文生日祝福语



1、only wishes that are made with special love will do for a dad who is wonderful in every way as you.


3、happy birthday, like a stream of water at the end of the year, the return of a long life is still young!

4、ucy: yes, i'd love to、thank you for asking me、happy birthday to you!是的,非常愿意。谢谢你邀请我。祝你生日快乐!

5、in quiet and thoughtful ways... in happy and fun ways... all ways and always---i love you.happy birthday!


7、happy birthday. may gladness fill your every hour on this special day.

8、yesterdays wind and rain, has gone. todays you and me, will continue. forg


2023.06.19 英文生日祝福语



1.抓住今天的小尾巴,祝自己生日快乐!朋友圈的你们,你们也要快乐哦!grasp today's little tail and wish you a happy birthday! friends circle of you, you also want to be happy!

2.给昨天的自己补上一句生日快乐!默默许个愿!add a happy birthday to yourself yesterday! make a wish!

3.人生短暂 以后的日子要暴富暴瘦 要活成自己喜欢的样子。life is short, the days to be rich and thin, to live like their appearance.

4.愿有人鲜衣怒马 陪你看烈焰繁花。may someone with fresh clothes and angry horses accompany you to see the flowers of fire.

5.在我生日来临之际,祝事业正当午,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老鼠,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属!at the time of my birthday, i wish business at noon, money is too much, work is not hard, leisurely like a mouse, romantic like music, happy you belong!

6.别的不重要,最重要的是要用心,用心祝自己生日快乐!the other is not important, the most important is to be careful, careful to wish their own happy birthday!

7.愿往后余生,不负流年,不负自己,祝自己生日快乐。may the rest of my life, live up to the past, live up to myself, happy birthday to myself.


2022.01.17 给自己的生日英文祝福语 生日英文祝福语简短致自己的 生日祝福语英文带翻译



2、happy birthday to you on this special day!

3、happy birthday, dear miranda. happy birthday to you.

4、today, flowers bloom for you and blessings come for you.

5、the kindest friend there could ever be the that is like the kind of friend you are to me. i wish a happy birthday, my friend, good luck, good health, happy new year!

6、and prosperity with many returns of the day.

7、you always smile, smile, you are a smiling flower, open in the four seasons, will never die. may your business show more to fill in a smile.

8、i wish myself a happy birthday!

9、let the hand of friendship to hold more tightly, let linked heart by more close! my best friend, send you my sincere birthday wishes! happy birthday!

10、take a half a head of blessing of brick, shoot to the big head with you happiness, let you roll out of rich star, collapsed in a cake of joy. i wish you a happy birthday.



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