

发布时间: 2023.08.14



英文检讨书 篇1

Late Apology Letter in English

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for being late to [the event, meeting, etc.]. I understand that my tardiness has caused a lot of inconvenience and trouble, and I take full responsibility for my actions.

Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for not being on time. I know that being punctual is important to show respect and consideration to others, and I failed to do so. I can imagine how frustrating it must have been waiting for me, and I am deeply sorry for that.

Secondly, I want to explain the reasons for my lateness. [Here, you can briefly explain the circumstances that led to your tardiness, such as traffic or unexpected emergencies]. However, I understand that these reasons do not excuse my tardiness, and I should have planned ahead to avoid being late.

Furthermore, I want to assure you that this will not happen again. I have learned my lesson and will take the necessary steps to be more punctual in the future. I will make sure to plan my schedule better and leave earlier to avoid any unforeseen circumstances.

Once again, I am sorry for being late and for any inconvenience caused. I appreciate your understanding and hope that you can forgive me for my mistake.


[Your Name]

In conclusion, being punctual is a sign of respect and consideration for others. If for any reason you are late, make sure to apologize sincerely and take responsibility for your actions. It is important to learn from your mistakes and take necessary measures to avoid being late in the future.

英文检讨书 篇2

Title: English Self-Evaluation Letter with Translation

Dear Teacher,

I am writing this self-evaluation letter in order to reflect on my learning progress and to identify areas I need to improve on. In the past year, I have been working hard to improve my English proficiency by attending classes, participating in group discussions and completing assigned tasks. However, I realize that there is still much to learn and I am determined to keep working on my language skills.

One area in which I have seen improvement is in my speaking ability. By practicing with classmates and engaging in oral presentations, I have become more confident in expressing myself in English. Additionally, I have improved my comprehension skills by listening to English podcasts and watching videos with subtitles.

However, I believe that there are still areas where I need to work on, particularly in writing and grammar. On several occasions, I have encountered situations where I struggled to express my ideas clearly or convey my message in a grammatically correct way. I am aware that this is an important area to improve on and plan to work on this over the next year.

Moreover, I have realized that in order to make significant progress in English, I need to immerse myself in the language as much as possible. This includes reading books in English, watching movies and even speaking English with native speakers. By doing this, I can improve my vocabulary and develop a better understanding of the language.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the progress I have made in my English proficiency, but I am determined to continue improving. I will work on my weaknesses and make the most of the resources available to me. Thank you for your support and guidance, and I look forward to the upcoming opportunities to learn and grow in my English skills.












英文检讨书 篇3





英文检讨书 篇4

Cheating in the CET-4 Examination: A Reflection on My Actions and Their Consequences


Cheating is an act that undermines the principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness. As a student preparing for the CET-4 examination, an important milestone in my academic journey, I allowed myself to succumb to the allure of cheating. In this reflective essay, I would like to elaborate on the details of my cheating incident, delve into the reasons behind my actions, and discuss the profound impact it has had on me.

The Incident:

It was a cloudy morning, and nervous tension filled the examination hall. The atmosphere was suffused with the energy of anticipation and anxiety. As I took my seat and reviewed my notes one last time, I couldn't help but notice the anxious glances exchanged by fellow test-takers. In a moment of weakness, I found myself convinced that resorting to cheating was the only way to ensure a favorable outcome.(考试祝福网 692P.cOM)

I surreptitiously tucked a cheat sheet into my pocket, my heart pounding with the fear of being caught. Throughout the examination, I glanced at it periodically, hoping to find solace in the answers hastily scribbled on that piece of paper. It was a momentary lapse in judgment, a decision that would come to haunt me later.

The Reasons Behind My Actions:

While in hindsight, my actions may seem inexcusable, it is essential to delve deeper into the factors that influenced my decision to cheat. One of the primary reasons was undoubtedly the immense pressure to perform well in the examination. CET-4 holds tremendous significance for every student aspiring to improve their prospects in the job market and academic pursuits. The fear of failure, the desire to achieve an impressive score, and the constant comparison to classmates weighed heavily on my mind, ultimately compromising my ethical compass.

Moreover, I must admit that my lack of dedication and preparation also played a role. In the weeks leading up to the examination, I failed to prioritize studying and fell behind on course materials. My desperation led me to believe that cheating was a shortcut to success, neglecting the values of hard work and perseverance instilled in me since childhood.

The Consequences:

The immediate consequence of my actions arrived sooner than expected. On the day of the examination, the invigilator caught me red-handed, extracting the cheat sheet from my pocket. The shame and guilt I felt were overwhelming. I was banned from taking the CET-4 examination for the subsequent two attempts, which meant a delay in my academic progression and a tarnished reputation among my peers.

However, it was the long-term consequences that impacted me the most. I realized the profound impact cheating can have on personal growth and character development. It erodes the very foundation of integrity, leading to a loss of self-respect and trust from family, friends, and teachers. It also stifles the opportunity for authentic learning, denying oneself the chance to acquire knowledge and skills genuinely.


Cheating in the CET-4 examination was a grave mistake that I deeply regret. Through this experience, I have come to understand the importance of upholding ethical values, cultivating discipline, and accepting the consequences of one's actions. I am committed to redeeming myself and rebuilding the trust I have lost. Moving forward, I pledge to embrace the principles of honesty and diligence, demonstrating my true potential through hard work and integrity.

英文检讨书 篇5










1. 尊重他人:我将学会尊重他人的意见,尊重他人的发言权,并且在别人发表意见时静静地倾听,不再打断他们的讲话。

2. 自我约束:我将努力让自己意识到课堂纪律的重要性,并且时刻监督自己的行为,使自己保持安静、专心和听从老师的指示。

3. 积极学习:我将在课堂上专心听讲,积极参与课堂活动,并且主动完成布置的作业,以提高自己的学习效果。







英文检讨书 篇6

I lovin it!

Feel the new space.

Intelligence everywhere.

The choice of a new generation.

We integrate, you communicate.

No business too small, no problem too big.

Take toshiba, take the world.

Let' s make things better.

Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.

Good to the last drop.

Obey your thirst.

The new digital era.

We lead. Others copy.

Impossible made possible.

The relentless pursuit of perfection.

Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.

To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.


Ask for more.

The taste is great.
