

发布时间: 2023.10.24






1. 语言目标



2. 发展目标




1. 教学素材:单词卡片、图片、天气图标等。

2. 教学场所:教室、户外。


1. 打招呼WwW.gz85.com


2. 课前导入


通过播放天气预报视频,让孩子们了解天气预报的英语表达方式,预测今天的天气情况,如:Today is Monday, it's sunny.



3. 主要教学







4. 课堂小结








1. 能够识别和记住基本的天气表达方式。

2. 能够描述不同天气状况下适合做什么活动。

3. 帮助幼儿了解天气与生活的关系,增加日常生活实用英语。




1. 天气图和图片。

2. 天气卡片。

3. CD player和英语歌曲。


1. 介绍天气并展示天气图。


2. 学习表达不同的天气条件。

老师通过播放英语歌曲,让孩子们学习英文天气表达,例如:It’s a sunny day.、It’s a cloudy day.、It’s a rainy day. 等等。然后,老师将不同天气状况的卡片分发给孩子们,让他们大声朗读描述卡片上天气状况的单词,并与其他孩子分享。

3. 讨论适合不同天气状况做什么活动。


4. 分享天气查询。

老师向孩子们展示通过电视、手机、电脑等方式查询天气预报的方法,并让孩子们以居住区域和周围的天气状况为例分享自己的查询经验。同时,老师提供同学交流的机会以便 孩子们加深对英语语法规则的理解。

5. 总结。








1. 学会用英语表达不同的天气。

2. 学习相关的天气词汇。

3. 能够用简单的句子描述不同的天气情况。

4. 学会熟练使用以下句型:It is sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy today.

5. 培养幼儿对天气的观察和感知能力。


1. 天气词汇

2. 天气的描述句型

3. 相关练习和游戏


1. 热身活动


2. 学习天气词汇


3. 天气的描述句型


It is sunny today.(今天天晴。)

It is rainy today.(今天下雨。)

It is cloudy today.(今天多云。)

It is windy today.(今天有风。)

It is snowy today.(今天下雪。)

4. 练习




5. 游戏


6. 总结





Title: Weather English for Preschoolers


Teaching weather vocabulary and basic concepts to preschoolers is crucial to their overall language development. This lesson plan aims to provide teachers with a framework to teach weather-related English words and phrases to young learners in an engaging and interactive manner.


1. Introduce common weather vocabulary to preschoolers.

2. Teach basic weather-related English phrases.

3. Enhance listening and speaking skills through weather-related activities.

4. Foster an appreciation for the natural world and its various weather phenomena.

Duration: 45 minutes


- Pictures or flashcards of different weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, stormy, windy)

- Weather-related props (umbrella, raincoat, snowflake cutouts, fan for wind effect)

- Weather-related story or book

- Weather-themed coloring sheets or worksheets


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the children and gather them in a circle.

- Sing a weather-related song or engage in a weather-related movement activity (e.g., "Put on your raincoat" and act out appropriate actions).

- Ask simple questions like "What is the weather like today?" and encourage students to respond using actions or expressions.

2. Introduction to Weather Vocabulary (10 minutes):

- Show pictures or flashcards of various weather conditions and elicit the English words from the students (e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, stormy, windy).

- Teach the pronunciation and meaning of the words by showing related props or acting out the weather conditions.

- Repeat the words together as a group and encourage students to practice saying them individually.

3. Weather-related Story or Book Reading (10 minutes):

- Read a weather-themed story or book that introduces different weather conditions and their effects (e.g., "The Rainy Day" by Anna Milbourne).

- Pause at appropriate moments to discuss the weather illustrations and ask questions related to the story (e.g., "Why do you think the characters need an umbrella?").

- Use the props and props to enhance the story experience and engage the children.

4. Weather-related Activities (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into small groups or pairs.

- Allocate weather-related props to each group (e.g., umbrella, raincoat, snowflake cutouts, fan).

- Assign a weather condition to each group and have them act out or create a scene related to their assigned weather (e.g., sunny: use the fan to create wind, windy: hold onto an umbrella and pretend it is blowing away).

- Encourage students to use the weather vocabulary they learned earlier while engaging in the activity.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Regroup the students in a circle.

- Hand out weather-themed coloring sheets or worksheets.

- Ask the children to color or match the weather conditions to their corresponding words while providing assistance or guidance when needed.

- Recap the weather vocabulary learned throughout the lesson and encourage students to share their favorite weather condition and why they like it.


This lesson plan provides a structured approach to introduce weather-related English vocabulary to preschoolers. Through interactive activities, storytelling, and hands-on experiences, students will gain familiarity with weather concepts and vocabulary, enhancing their listening and speaking skills in the process. Teachers can adapt and modify the activities to suit their students' needs and abilities, fostering an appreciation for weather and the natural world.



Title: Learning About Weather - An English Lesson Plan for Young Children


In this English lesson plan, we will focus on teaching young children about different types of weather. Through fun activities, games, and discussions, we will help the children to learn new weather vocabulary, understand the characteristics of weather, and practice basic conversations related to weather.


1. Learn new weather vocabulary words

2. Understand the characteristics of different types of weather

3. Practice basic conversations about weather

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards of different weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, stormy)

- Weather chart with pictures and words

- Craft materials for making weather crafts

Lesson Plan:

Warm-up activity:

- Begin the lesson by asking the children how their day has been so far. Encourage them to describe the weather they experienced today. For example, "Was it sunny? Rainy? Windy?" Help them to use simple weather-related vocabulary to express themselves.

Introduction to weather vocabulary:

- Show the flashcards of different weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, stormy). Ask the children to name each weather condition as you show them the flashcards. Repeat the names of the weather conditions multiple times.

Activity 1: Weather chart:

- Show the children a weather chart with pictures and words. Explain how we use a weather chart to keep track of the weather each day. Help them identify the different weather conditions and match them to the corresponding pictures and words on the chart.

Game: Weather memory match:

- Create pairs of flashcards with the weather condition pictures and words. Place them face down on the table. Let the children take turns flipping over two cards at a time, trying to find matching pairs. Once a pair is found, encourage the child to say the weather condition out loud. The child with the most matching pairs wins the game.

Activity 2: Weather crafts:

- Provide the children with craft materials such as colored paper, scissors, and glue. Ask them to create their own weather-related crafts. For example, they can make a sunny picture by cutting out a yellow circle and adding paper rays. Encourage them to discuss their crafts and the weather condition they chose to represent.

Role-play activity: Weather conversations:

- Divide the children into pairs. Assign one child as the weather reporter and the other as the listener. Provide them with a dialogue prompt such as "Hello, what's the weather like today?" and "It's sunny and hot today!" Let them practice the dialogue with each other and switch roles. Encourage them to use the correct vocabulary and speak clearly.


- Review what the children have learned about weather throughout the lesson. Ask them to name different weather conditions and describe them using the new vocabulary they have learned. Congratulate them on their progress and remind them to observe and talk about the weather in their daily lives.

Extension activity (homework):

- Ask the children to keep a weather journal for a week. They can note down the weather condition each day and draw a picture to represent it. They can also write a sentence or two to describe how the weather made them feel.

By following this lesson plan, young children will develop a basic understanding of different types of weather, learn relevant vocabulary, and practice having conversations related to weather in English.
